These are plans containing detailed images of both surveying and altimetry as they include altimetric heights above sea level, level curves, woodland, street furniture, registers and services, power and telephone lines, levelling edges, the bottoms of banks, ramps, slopes, stairs, etc.
These plans are used to develop architectural projects (building houses, offices, swimming pools, terraces, earth movements and their volume, etc.) or engineering projects (planning of roads, motorways, avenues, bridges, estates, earth movements and their slopes, etc.).
- Topographical Plans
- Measurement Plans and Boundary Studies
- Georeferenced plans
- Laser Scan - 3D Point Cloud
- Survey Plans
- Present Building state
- Laying Out of Limits
- Laying Out of Works
- Longitudinal Levelling and Profiles
- Cadastre
- Herat Movements and Volume Calculation
- 3D Photogrammetry
- Bathymetric Plans
- Sunlight studies
- Special Works