Topographical work is a meticulous task that involves the physical marking of boundaries and alignments on the ground, using various elements such as stakes, nails or paints, carefully following the detailed indications in a parcel plan, urban development projects, deeds or cadastral plans. This task requires precision and attention to detail to ensure that the boundaries on the ground are faithful to the graphic representation provided in the aforementioned documents.
Once the materialization on the ground has been completed, a control plan is drawn up, where the alignments or boundaries that have been materialized are recorded and verified in detail. This verification process is crucial to ensure the accuracy and correspondence between the reality of the terrain and the original graphic representation.
These control plans not only serve a recording and verification function, but also serve as a tool for resolving conflicts related to neighbourhood encroachments or boundary disputes. The detailed and accurate documentation provided by these plans is essential to support legal claims and make informed judicial decisions.
In addition to their legal and administrative importance, these plans also have practical value in the management and development of construction and urban development projects. They provide clear and precise guidance for workers and contractors on the ground, facilitating the execution of works in an efficient manner and in accordance with established specifications.
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