Currently, the management of information through networks generates multiple advantages, both at the public administration level (regionalization, planning, networks, regional and urban development, etc.), as well as at the commercial level. For this management to be effective and agile, software provider companies developed the so-called GIS.

A  Geographic Information System (GIS)  basically consists of linking the spatial elements represented on a map (streets, blocks, communication networks, municipalities, etc.) with information related to them. This allows: STORE, EXTRACT and ANALYZE the data associated with each of these spatial elements.

But GIS not only allows you to identify and obtain information about an element through a simple click of the mouse, but (and more importantly) to graph the data, compare, select elements based on certain characteristics, connect an element to another database. , etc.

In this way, your company can quickly know which of its agencies has the highest sales volume in a certain month, what is the stock of a certain product in a certain city, represent new elements (businesses, service stations, water wells, etc.) .) through your coordinates or postal addresses, enter census data in your area of ​​interest to locate the areas with the greatest number of potential clients, obtain visually representative data of the agricultural stock on your properties, locate your most frequent clients to offer them better services, etc.

A notable advantage is that this geographic database is not static, but rather dynamic as it can be permanently updated and improved.

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