We offer comprehensive services related to water resources, ranging from location and evaluation to planning for the exploitation and sanitation of said resources. Our experts in applied hydrogeology can identify new boreholes and determine areas of hydrological and geological risk, such as the vulnerability of aquifers, floods and landslides.
We carry out environmental feasibility studies and manage the spatial location of facilities related to urban solid waste, such as landfills, incineration and composting plants. In addition, we characterize urban solid waste for effective and sustainable management.
We design environmental training programs and offer conferences, talks and specific courses to promote environmental awareness and knowledge in various sectors.
We implement environmental management systems according to ISO 14001 regulations, we carry out eco-audits and develop programs to minimize resources, waste and emissions. We also provide quality control services in processes and comprehensive management.
We carry out preliminary, simplified and detailed evaluations for various projects, territorial planning instruments and works, guaranteeing environmental compatibility and regulatory compliance.
We integrate environmental and landscape considerations in port and nautical projects, we develop artificial reefs, underwater outfalls and beach regeneration. We also carry out censuses of marine species and control of invasive species.
We design and execute environmental and landscape restoration projects in degraded areas, such as roads and quarries, to recover their biodiversity and ecological functionality.
We prepare tourism conditioning and improvement plans, optimizing available resources and planning tourism development in a sustainable manner.
We are dedicated to the management and conservation of natural resources, including the planning of protected spaces, the control of species and the cataloging of enclaves of environmental and ecological interest, among others.
Fotogrametría (nube de puntos realizada con Agisoft Metashape y Cyclone 3DR) de la Torre de Cala Figuera - Calvià - Mallorca☎️971 723 356✉️ estop@estop.org••••••#topografia #3dtopografia #geomática #mapping #landsurveying #surveying #asbuilt #fotogrametria #asbuilt #plans #serviciostopográficos #teledeteccion #gml #georreferenciación #georreferenciar #Mallorca #estopfotogram #asistenciatecnicaenobra #replanteo #replanteodeobra #estadosactuales #baleares #estopmedioambiental #vuelofotogramétrico #plano #planimetria #topography #obras #VueloAereo #arquitecturamallorca #terreno