Your topography company in Mallorca

Leaders in the Balearic Islands since 1964

Beyond traditional topography

Over more than six decades, we have progressively expanded our service offering, adapting to new market demands and technological advances. Today, we offer a wide range of solutions ranging from high-precision topographic work to comprehensive environmental studies, panoramic aerial photography, 3D modeling and much more.

At ESTOP S.A., no two projects are the same. Each client has unique needs and expectations, so we customize each service to fit their specific requirements. We listen carefully to their needs, analyze their situation and propose the most appropriate solution, using the most cutting-edge tools and methodologies.

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Pioneers in cartography and land management in the Balearic Islands

Since its foundation in April 1964 by the Agricultural Technical Engineer Mr. José Mª Carulla Gratacós, ESTOP S.A. has left an indelible mark on the cartographic sector of the Balearic Islands. With a history of generational change, currently led by the Technical Director Mr. Albert Carulla Riera and the Manager Mr. Francesc Carulla Riera, the company has demonstrated an exceptional ability to adapt to the changing demands of the market.

Over more than six decades, ESTOP S.A. has undergone a drastic evolution in terms of technology and services. What began as a company focused primarily on surveying work has grown to become an industry leader offering a wide range of cartographic and environmental services.

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Clients who have trusted us

A great admirable service with great cutting-edge technology, reasonable prices and without a doubt it stands out in the surveying department.


Very good, fast service with very competitive prices. Highly recommended.


Diligence and efficiency, they perfectly understand what the client is looking for and wants because they are more than experienced in all areas of topography.


Excellent work done, I always count on them and will continue to do so, professional and fast


It is without a doubt the best topographic services company in the Balearic Islands and should be in the top 10 in Spain. Good prices, friendly service, absolute professionalism and very good delivery times. I recommend this company 100%


Very fast and helpful service. In my case I needed some aerial images that were not on the publicly accessible websites and they solved the problem quickly and efficiently.


Great, super professionals, meeting the indicated deadline. We will always have them as a reference supplier on the Island.


Fast, anticipating possible impediments to carrying out the assessment we requested. Professional. Our assessment is that we will definitely hire their services again.

Munverpro Aventura

ESTOP's response and personalized attention, as well as the technical evaluation of the work carried out, has always been of the highest quality.


We have requested a current status of an existing house in the old town of Palma, and the result has been excellent.

Medina Architecture Studio

Discover our latest news

📍📐 Levantamiento planimétrico en la zona del Conservatorio de Palma 🎶🏛

Con el uso de estación total, capturamos cada detalle del terreno para la generación de un plano planimétrico preciso. 🔎 La topografía es clave para proyectos urbanos, garantizando mediciones exactas para futuras intervenciones.

💡 Seguimos sumando precisión en cada levantamiento. ¡A por el siguiente reto! 🚀✨

☎️971 723 356
#topografia #estopgeorref #geomática #mapping #landsurveying #surveying #asbuilt #floorplans #plans #serviciostopográficos #gml #georreferenciación #georreferenciar #Mallorca #catastro #asistenciatecnicaenobra #replanteo #replanteodeobra #estadosactuales #baleares #drone #obra #plano #planimetria #topography #estopplanim #civilengineering #arquitecturamallorca #terreno
📍 Levantamiento en Cala Major - Palma 🌊

📐 Trabajando en la georreferenciación de la zona con tecnología GNSS de alta precisión. Capturamos cada punto clave para la generación de un plano detallado, asegurando exactitud y fiabilidad en cada medición.

🔎 La topografía es la base de cualquier buen proyecto, y aquí seguimos sumando precisión. ¡Nos encanta trabajar en entornos como este! 

☎️971 723 356
#topografia #estopgeorref #geomática #mapping #landsurveying #surveying #asbuilt #floorplans #plans #serviciostopográficos #gml #georreferenciación #georreferenciar #Mallorca #catastro #asistenciatecnicaenobra #replanteo #replanteodeobra #estadosactuales #baleares #drone #obra #plano #planimetria #topography #estopplanim #civilengineering #arquitecturamallorca #terreno
🌊 Explorando Maioris desde el aire
📸 Capturamos esta espectacular vista aérea de Maioris, Llucmajor. La combinación de acantilados, senderos y aguas cristalinas hace de este lugar un paraíso único en Mallorca.

☎️971 723 356

#dronephotography #drone #dron #dronestagram #mallorca #mallorcaisland #estopproyectosyvaloraciones #baleares #sunset #puestadesol #fotografia #fotografiaaerea #dronelife #drones #droneofficial #dronepilot #dji #djispark #djiglobal #aereal #mar #paradise #beach #mavicpro #landscape #españa #estopfotoaereaoblicua #droneoftheday #baleares #cala
🌍 Palma como nunca la habías visto
📸 Fotografía aérea capturada con dron y proyección esférica para crear este increíble efecto 360°.

Una técnica que nos permite mostrar todo el Paseo Marítimo y la Catedral de Palma en una única imagen, desde una perspectiva completamente nueva.

☎️971 723 356

#dronephotography #drone #dron #dronestagram #mallorca #mallorcaisland #menorca #baleares #sunset #puestadesol #fotografia #fotografiaaerea #dronelife #drones #droneofficial #dronepilot #dji #djispark #djiglobal #aereal #mar #paradise #beach #mavicpro #landscape #españa #estopfotoaereaoblicua #droneoftheday #baleares #cala
📍 Carrer Bisbe de Palma (Casco Antiguo)
📐 Realizando el estado actual de esta vivienda ubicada en una de las calles más emblemáticas del casco antiguo de Palma.

💡 ¿Sabías que...?
El Casco Antiguo de Palma conserva trazados y edificios que datan de la época medieval, con calles estrechas diseñadas para proteger del sol y mantener la frescura incluso en verano. Estas características hacen que el levantamiento de datos en zonas urbanas históricas sea todo un desafío técnico.

☎️971 723 356


#3Dscanning #3Dpointcloud #colourmap #2Ddrawing #architectural #project #plot #Majorca #leicaRTC360 #laserscan #leica #scanning #cyclone #arquitectura #escaner #nubedepuntos #3dsurvey #architecture #floorplans #baleares #mallorca #PatrimonioHistórico #estoplaserescaner #estopestadoactual #estopplanim #vistas #EscaneoLáser #Levantamiento3D #terreno #topografia
🌅 Cap Enderrocat - Llucmajor
📸 Capturando la impresionante belleza de esta costa mallorquina desde el aire. Gracias a la fotografía con dron, podemos mostrar perspectivas únicas de este rincón paradisíaco de Mallorca. 🌊✨

☎️971 723 356

#dronephotography #drone #dron #dronestagram #mallorca #mallorcaisland #menorca #baleares #sunset #puestadesol #fotografia #fotografiaaerea #dronelife #drones #droneofficial #dronepilot #dji #djispark #djiglobal #aereal #mar #paradise #beach #mavicpro #landscape #españa #estopfotoaereaoblicua #droneoftheday #baleares #cala

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